Toxicology textbooks

Toxicology books Where to start 

As a textbook for students at the university level, and also at the high school level, I recommend Casarett & Doull’s Essentials of Toxicology which is a condensed version of the original Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: the basic science of poisons. Essentials of Toxicology is a good introduction to toxicology and has great colour illustrations – something that most other toxicology books lack.

Another book I like is Essentials of Environmental Toxicology by William Hughes, it is concise. It has a nice feature in that it highlights the most important take-home messages in red in the text – so that you can almost just browse through the pages and check that you know what these highlights mean – then you are well underway. The first edition was from 1996 and I think the 2003 version is just the same book as there is the same number of pages and the same front page.

As a Danish textbook, I recommend Økotoksikologi by Poul Bjerregaard, which also provides a good introduction to human toxicology and

ecotoxicology as stated in the title.

For Danish students check the "undervisningsmaterialer" tab for notes in toxicology (in Danish)